Surprisingly Salvatore Ferragamo is a huge deal in Florence. The designer has been a legend every since he was nine obviously you can get a brief about his life from wikipedia but I would love to share a few pointers I picked up from his amazing museum.
Salvatore was the 11th of fourteen siblings, he always had a passion for shoes. After he studied shoe making and started making them for his family he decided it wasn't enough so he moved to california to to focus on creating the perfect fit. He became famous when he started to make shoes for Hollywood stars then royal families and he was only slightly above 20 years old.
Check out the link just for a brief
I will only be able to show you pictures from the outside photography is banned from the inside which is really disappointing it is such a master piece. It has been created to emphasize on Fairytales coming true. The atmosphere is like a part you can see at disney it even has a small theatre room that displays an outstanding movie clip created just about him called the "white shoe".
White Shoe kindly take your time to get inspired from the amazing short film by Mauro Borelli. I cant seem to find the whole thing which is a must see!
The Museum also contains displays with shoes and elements that were also created for cartoons such as puss and boots, dorothy of the wizard of oz, the peachy cobbler and many more.
One of my favorite parts was a room filled with illustrations of his life. a sequence of posters uncovering his journey to become the Shoe maker of dreams.
The work was illustrated by Frank Espinosa an animator that worked also for Disney and Warner Bros he also redesigned the Looney Tunes in 1992.
This is a sum of the technique I favor and I want to learn and practice .
FLORENCE — The Salvatore Ferragamo Museum here has just unveiled its latest exhibition, “The Amazing Shoemaker — Fairy Tales and Legends about Shoes and Shoemakers,” which will run until March 31, 2014.
I highly recommend to list this as a must see plus Florence is just perfect for a vacation.
The window displays were quite eye catching pop up books that work with his story.
With all the amazing new designers that are creating the mad footwear we forgot the legends whom started it all. The artists that designed shoes for a purpose more than how it looks. People who studied the foot, the mechanism and style. I have a whole new respect for Salvatore he is indeed a magician who intended to create fairytales for fashion lovers like ourselves.
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